-----------------------------------Blog Page : our Words and Poems for ever------------------------------
In the name of Allah , the Merciful , the compassionate May Allah send benedictions upon our Lord Mohammad, His Family and Followers
Praise to Allah who did shower luminosity from Ahmadi lights upon His Bosom Friends and Comrades; select them for knowledge and secrets of His innermost mystery and gist of knowledge; adorn them with trinket of His Eminence and garments of His Beauty and Magnificence and ascend them in sky of thouheed (Monotheism) as moons. Thence Mankind become illuminated by their lights , pursued His paths and occupied own Home and Doom. They became guidance to followers, flag and sign in diverged roads. They stood as lighthouse for wayward. Otherwise no one shall enter in to such paths and curvature of their heart's rip cannot to be rectified also the Mankind cannot get Clairvoyance in right path. Glory to ((Allah)) who did exhort them by wisdom and light, dissect by them the hearts and minds and make them devotees and supporters of the Religion.
And Peace and Blessings be upon our Lord Mohammed
-----------------------------------------From Ablul Gafoor Hudavi-------------------
I Saw A Light...

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-----------------------------------------From Ablul Gafoor Hudavi-------------------
I Saw A Light...
An Advice
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous
Jealous, But Zealous

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