Though the central Mushawara of Samastha is a body of not more than 40 eminent scholars of the period, Samastha expanded its service through a number of sub-organisations under its authority.
Samastha Kerala Islamic Educational Board

Samastha Kerala Islamic Educational Board or Samastha Kerala Islam Matha Vidhyabhyasa Board, known as SKIMVB, was Samastha’s first sub-organisation. The run-up to the formation of the board started when Marhoom Sayyed Abdur Rahman Bafaqi Tangal drew the attention of the ulama in 1945, at the 16th conference of Samastha held at Karyavattam, to the urgent need of the organisation to take up a leading and active role in setting up Madrasas across the state. He suggested Samastha leaders to prepare a syllabus for primary religious education to be taught in One to Ten classes of Madrasa along with regular schooling. Later Mushawara meets and Ulama gatherings all seriously discussed Bafaqi Tangal’s suggestion. Finally, the 19th Samastha Conference held in March 1951 at Badagara, passed the historic resolution forming the educational board to meet the urgent need for a centralised Madrasa system. Marhoom Paravanna KPA Muhyiddin Kutty Moulavi was the founding chairman of the board. Six months later on September 17, 1951, at an important meeting at Valakkulam Puthupparamba Juma Masjid in the patronage of Moulana Abul Haqq Abdul Bari Musliyar Al-Baqawi (1981-1965) a 33-member first working committee of the SKIVB was constituted being Paravanna K.P.A. Muhyuddeen Kutty Musliyar the president and K.P. Usman Sahib the general secretary. In March 1952, the board called for application for Madrasa recognition, and the board working committee held on August 26, 1952 recognised first 10 Madrasas.
The number of recognised Madrasas has been on an amazing increase since then. The Executive Council of the board meets second Saturday of every month and reviews the applications of Madrasa for recognition among others. The numbers given below will help understand the progress of the unique Madrasa System set up by Samastha for primary religious education; 1956 (149), 1961 (746), 1966 (1838), 1971 (2694), 1976 (3586), 1986 (5648), 1991 (6440), 1996 (7003), 2001 (7865), 11/09/2006 (8491). All the Madrasas have classes at least until fifth standard. Many Madrasas have classes up to 7th, 10th and even +1 and +2 classes. The board has spread the message of its model Madrasas to states and nations like Andaman Nicobar Islands, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Lakshadeep, Maharashtra, Malaysia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman. It conducts systematic training classes, Hizb, Lower, Higher and Secondary examinations to make the teachers more capable and well equipped. There are Inspectors named as Mufatish to visit each and every Madrasa, they examine the standard of education check up the physical condition and atmosphere of Madrasa, give necessary recommendations to teachers and Madrasa managing committee and report the functioning of each Madrasa to the board. There are 86 inspectors, seven tutors to train the teachers, and six Qura’n reciters to conduct Hizb classes. There is also an association of Madrasa inspectors named Samastha Kerala Jam’eyyat ul-Mufathisheen. The board directly hold centralised Public Examinations in the 5th, 7th, and 10th classes. It has so far issued 2,039,021 fifth class certificates, while the number is 603,524 in 7th and 45,994 in 10th.
The Board had not concentrated its attention only with religious education but had entered in to material field also. It is notable that this step was taken by strictly keeping the balance between the two. Crescent Boarding Madrasa & residential higher secondary school at Velimukku (Malappuram district) Crescent public school at Pudiyangady (Kozhikkode district) M E A Engineering college at Pattikkad are well established institution run by the board.
Presently the office bearers are:
TKM Bava Musliar (President)
KK Abdulla Musliar (Vice Presieent)
Cherussry Zainudheen Musliyar. (Vice Presieent)
KT Manu Musliar. (Gen Secretary)
VPM Abdul Azeez master. ( Secretary)
TM Bappu Musliar ( Secretary)
Sayyid Hyderali Shihab. (Treasurer.)
Samastha Kerala Jam’eyyat ul-Mu’allimeen Central Counci, SKJMCC, is a teachers association under the board, which has 16 district branches and 385 range level committees other than the central committee. The SKJMCC has been doing creative and appreciable services in providing various kinds of benefits and welfare projects for its thousands of mostly poor teaching community. There are 14 kinds of service benefit schemes and 6 types of welfare funds under SKJMCC. As of July 2006, 1,004,650 students are studying in Samastha’s recognised Madrasa, and 78,709 teachers, who have been officially by opening and maintaining the Mu’allim Service Register at S.K.I.M.V.Board office, are working in these madrasas. A special institute was set up near Samastha’s headquarters to give training for madrasa teachers in 2001. The Mua’llim Training Centre under SKJMCC offers a one-year course for aspiring teachers. The SKJMCC has also set up a Women Sharia College, which offers a five-year course for girl students who passed SSLC. The Magazines Al Muallim, Santhushta Kudumbam, and Kurunnukal are being published under SKJMCC. The Madrasa students` wing named as SBV is also working under the auspices of SKJMCC.
Office bearers of the Council are:
CKM Sadiq Musliar. (President)
MM Muhyuddeen Musliar. (Vice President)
KK Ibrahim Musliar. (Vice President)
Dr: Bahaudheen Muhammad Nadwi. (Secretary)
M Abdurahman Musliar. (Secreatery)
T Moideen Musliar. (Secretary)
Dr: NAM Abdul Qadir. (Treasurer)
Mufatisheen are the integral part of Madras system run by the Educational board. They are the Inspectors entitled to visit each and every Madrasa, they examine the standard of education check up the physical condition and atmosphere of Madrasa, give necessary recommendations to teachers and Madrasa managing committee and report the functioning of each Madrasa to the board. There are 86 inspectors, seven tutors to train the teachers, and six Qura’n reciters to conduct Hizb classes. The association of these personnel is termed as Jamiyyathul Mufathisheen.
Presntly the office bearers are:
TM Bappu Musliar. (President)
AP Zaid Musliar (Vice President)
T Aboobakr Musliar. (Vice President)
KP Abdurahman Musliar. (Gen Secretary)
N Alavi Musliar (Secretary)
KKAbdul Qadir Musliar. (Secretary)
VK Sayyid Muhammad Koya Thangal. (Treasurer)
Samastha decided to form a youth organisation under its fold at its 20th public conference held at Tanur on April 25, 1954, to organise the youths and public under Samastha and to give Samastha an organisational set up at grassroots level. The Yuvajan Sangham, known as SYS, was formed a day later on April 26 at the office of Calicut Ansar ul-Islam. Now the organisation has committees in all Kerala districts and branches in a number of Kerala villages as well as outside Kerala. Samastha recognised SYS as its official sub-faction at its 21st Public Conference held at Kakkad in 1961. The Silver Jubilee Conference held at kuttippuram Khuthbuzzaman Nagar on 24, 25, and 26th of February 2005 was a remarkable incident in organizational hiatory.
Sunni mahal, Malappuram |
Presntly the office bearers are:
Sayyid Uarali Shihab ( president)
SM Jifri Thangal (Vice President)
CKK Maniyoor. (Vice President)
K Alikkutty Musliar. (Gen Secretary)
Pinangod Aboobakr. (Joint Secretary)
Abdussamad Pookootur. (Joint Secretary)
Jaleel Faizy Pullangod. (Joint Secretary)
K A Rahman Faizy. (Joint Secretary)
K Moin kutty Mster. (Joint Secretary)
V Moyiomn Haji. (Treasurer)
Abdul Hameed Faizy (Organizing Secretary)
K Mammad Faizy (Organizing Secretary)
Umar Faizy Mukkam. (Organizing Secretary)
Ahmad Therlai. (Organizing Secretary)
In a bid to give an organised form for the functioning of Muslim mahallus in the state, Samastha leaders formed SamasthaKerala Sunni Mahallu Federation (SKSMF) at the Tirur Taluk Samastha Conference held at Chemmad in April 26, 1976. The wing has done a number of remarkable services, especially in co-ordinating Mahallus.
Presently the office holders are:
Cherussery Zainudheen Musliar. (President)
KT Manu Musliar (Vice Pesident)
SM Jifri thangal. (Vice Pesident)
Sayyid Herali Shihab. (General Seacretary)
Pinangod Aboobakr. ( Working Secretary.)
TM Bappu Musliar (Secretary)
K Mammad Faizy. (Secretary)
U Muhammad Shafi Haji. (Secretary)
Chemmukkan kunhappu haji. (Treasurer)
Samastha Kerala Sunni Student Federation, known as SKSSF, is the largest students’ organisation in Kerala. The organisation was formed under the auspices Samastha leaders on February 19, 1989, as part of its attempt to organise all Muslim students under its fold and to nurture them into a good moral life. SKSSF has been actively involving in all community related issues and struggling for their rights. Calicut based Islamic Centre and Islamic Sahitya Academy are its major achievement. It has a propagators’ wing calle
d IBAD that works among the society to keep them in Islamic way of life. TREND is another SKSSF wing, which renders service in the field of education and career guidance field.
Islamic Centre, Kozhikode |
The Office bearers are:
Sayyid Abbasali Shaihab. (President)
TP Saleem Edakkara. (Vice President)
Haris Baqavi Kamblkkad. (Vice President)
SV Muhammdali Master. (Vice President)
Muhammad Kutty Faizy Anamangad. (Vice President)
Nasar Faizy Koodathai. (Gen Secretary)
Salahudheen Faizy Vallappuzha. (Working Secretary)
Salim Faizy Kolathur. (Secretary)
Aboobakr Faizy Malayamma. (Secretary)
Muhammad Faizy Onambilly. (Treasurer)
Samastha Kerala Islam matha Vidyabhyasa Examination Board,
Samastha Kerala Sunni Balavedi,
Madrasa Management Association and
Samastha Kerala Muslim Employees Association are other subordinate- wings of Samastha.